Seen by Candlelight

Although Karen Frazer had been divorced by her husband Paul two years before, and had heard that he had since become engaged to another woman, she still loved him. But she was not yet free of him -- for Paul's married brother was pursuing Karen's irresponsible young sister, and her mother had asked Karen to persuade Paul to do what he could to put a stop to the affair.
Karen dreaded the thought of meeting Paul again, but for the sake of her mother and sister, what else could she do? And there was Lewis to consider as well -- Lewis, who loved Karen and had the best of reasons for keeping her and Paul apart.
But when the fateful meeting took place, Paul himself felt some of the old attraction return. Had he been mistaken about Karen all this time?
Karen dreaded the thought of meeting Paul again, but for the sake of her mother and sister, what else could she do? And there was Lewis to consider as well -- Lewis, who loved Karen and had the best of reasons for keeping her and Paul apart.
But when the fateful meeting took place, Paul himself felt some of the old attraction return. Had he been mistaken about Karen all this time?