Season of Mists

"Our marriage was a farce," Piers said.
Abby couldn't deny Piers's statement. Time had certainly proven that true, but the young Abby had loved him with all the passion within her.
At that time she could not have foreseen the awful events that had led him to deny his own son. Abby had done the only thing possible, she'd fled.
For twelve years she thought she hated Piers, and then he came back into her life. Try as she did to fight it, she realized hopelessly that she was as vulnerable as ever to his attraction.
Abby couldn't deny Piers's statement. Time had certainly proven that true, but the young Abby had loved him with all the passion within her.
At that time she could not have foreseen the awful events that had led him to deny his own son. Abby had done the only thing possible, she'd fled.
For twelve years she thought she hated Piers, and then he came back into her life. Try as she did to fight it, she realized hopelessly that she was as vulnerable as ever to his attraction.