All Else Confusion

Annis disliked him on sight
Jake was too good-looking, too rich and too self-assured. Then a sudden shared grief broke down Annis's defenses against his attractiveness.
Jake's sudden marriage proposal made no pretense of love. "You're a sensible girl," he said. "Your head isn't cluttered with romantic ideas."
Sensible? Hardly, but Annis had no choice, for any hope of future happiness depended on his falling in love with her.
Jake was too good-looking, too rich and too self-assured. Then a sudden shared grief broke down Annis's defenses against his attractiveness.
Jake's sudden marriage proposal made no pretense of love. "You're a sensible girl," he said. "Your head isn't cluttered with romantic ideas."
Sensible? Hardly, but Annis had no choice, for any hope of future happiness depended on his falling in love with her.