Too Strong to Deny

Price Domenico
"As a lawyer Price could help her
But Price Domenico was just the kind of complication she didn't really want.
All her life, Elizabeth had been told she was stupid and now she was quietly, determinedly proving everyone wrong. But she'd been accused of something she hadn't done and though they had started off on the wrong foot, she needed Price.
Elizabeth knew Price understood her battle to clear her name on principle, no matter what it cost her. Though she hadn't reckoned on it costing her her heart...."
But Price Domenico was just the kind of complication she didn't really want.
All her life, Elizabeth had been told she was stupid and now she was quietly, determinedly proving everyone wrong. But she'd been accused of something she hadn't done and though they had started off on the wrong foot, she needed Price.
Elizabeth knew Price understood her battle to clear her name on principle, no matter what it cost her. Though she hadn't reckoned on it costing her her heart...."