Ring in a Teacup

Fraam der Linssen
Lucy Prendergast
She'd never seen a man so angry!
Nurse Lucy Prendergast had not made a good impression. Falling asleep during a consultant's lecture was hardly the best way to attract the great man's attention!
So she set out to correct the bad impression she'd made.
Dr. Fraam der Linssen, however, seemed to have a positive genius for catching her in the most awkward situations.
And anyway, why should she care what he thought? He'd already made it plain that he preferred her pretty friend, Mies.
Nurse Lucy Prendergast had not made a good impression. Falling asleep during a consultant's lecture was hardly the best way to attract the great man's attention!
So she set out to correct the bad impression she'd made.
Dr. Fraam der Linssen, however, seemed to have a positive genius for catching her in the most awkward situations.
And anyway, why should she care what he thought? He'd already made it plain that he preferred her pretty friend, Mies.