My Own Worst Enemy

Rizzoli and Isles Season 2 Episode 8
Video Show
45 mins
In the middle of the night Ian, a friend of Maura's, shows up at her house. Jane is worried, when there is no sign of Maura, on the scene of a father shot, and a son wounded. During the autopsy of a street junkie, Jane is getting angry because Maura is receiving text messages, and isn't telling her what it's about. Angela tells Jane about how Maura has a new man, who Jane has no clue about. While investigating the case, Korsak and Frost find that the victim who survived has an uncle, who was let out of prison six weeks ago. Jane confronts Maura about Ian, who Maura says the love life is complicated. Jane taking offense decides to walk off, until Maura stops her showing her the texts, trying to get her attack Jane tells her, that she changed all her shoe boxes. Jane and Korsak are both confused when the son leaves the hospital AMA. When the son is out the hospital, he drives to a warehouse where they find open a container where they find a studded necklace, that they use to impound the container so they have enough time to examine what's in it. When Jane goes to Maura's to get her to fix her ingrown toenail, Maura gets Ian to fix her toe. While talking to Angela, Jane says that she got a weird vibe from Ian, and Angela says that her gut is probably right. When Angela goes snooping through Ian's boxes, she finds that he has three different passports from three different countries. When seeing the rest of the rats, Maura finds that the rats were killed too easily for it to be a regular poison. Maura finds that the rats ingested parts of blankets, which were laced in heroin. When Angela tells Jane about the passports Jane gets mad and tells her that she shouldn't have done it. It turns out that the nail salon owner took the son's family hostage and he started dealing it to get his wife and child back. When Jane goes to the warehouse where the wife and child are being held the man who owns the nail salon attacks her. She and Frost fend him off and find where the two are kept.