Stomping Grounds

Blue Bloods Season 6 Episode 13
Video Show
45 mins
At the retirement party of NYPD lieutenant Tim Harrison (Michael O'Keefe), Frank learns that he plans on leaving New York because he dislikes Frank's openness to changing times. Later that night, an attempted robbery on the subway winds up killing both the perp and a bystander trying to help, and a discarded wallet and several witnesses confirm the shooter to be Harrison. A manhunt is put out, but it's only when Harrison comes to Erin's office is he apprehended. The whole ordeal especially shocks Henry, who is forced to realize that the cop's racial bigotries have clouded his judgement and derailed his career. Baez catches a glimpse of Octavio Nunez, a drug trafficker whom she saw stomp a childhood crush to death at age ten. She is initially reluctant about going after the criminal, but with Danny's support relents. When Nunez's latest tenant in an apartment complex suspiciously burns to death, the detectives try to find witnesses who saw either of the murders, but none (including Baez's own family) are brave enough to do it. On Erin's advice, Danny arrests Nunez because he's been evicting clients without notice, and Baez is able to properly confront him. Jamie becomes worried about Eddie when their training sergeant makes a move on her and begins making passes at her despite turning him down. After the two have some drinks, he expresses his concern, but Jenko dislikes his help because it might look bad for her reputation. Jamie later confronts the training sergeant at a bar (where it's revealed that he has a history of harassing female cops) and advocates that he transfer to Staten Island.