Loose Lips

Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 5
Video Show
45 mins
While out running, Jamie encounters a young woman with a black eye, sitting on a bench and weeping. She is afraid to say anything, so Jamie hands her his card and plans to get her into police custody. However, before he can, she suddenly vanishes. The woman later ends up in the hospital hours later, severely beaten, with Danny and Maria paying her a visit. She dies before she can tell them the name of her killer, but not before she says that he will certainly be out to kill Jamie for simply talking to her. Suspicion falls on the boyfriend, a club bouncer named Little G, but he seems genuinely upset when Danny and Maria tell him the news of the girl's death. He mentions an ex-boyfriend named Price, who continued to stalk and harass the girl after she broke up with him. Jamie refuses to accept a desk assignment for protection, and his car is fire-bombed that night, with he and Eddie narrowly escaping. Danny and Maria arrest Price at his auto shop, where he pushes Maria. With three charges now against Price, Erin tries to get him arraigned, but the judge declares all evidence circumstantial and lets Price walk. After Price gives "the eye" to Jamie in the precinct, Eddie goes after him. The next day, Eddie is kidnapped by Price and his men, forcing Danny, Maria and Jamie to quickly try to save her. Elsewhere, social media affects both Nicky and Henry. Nicky loses a chance at admission to Rutgers due to some disparaging Tweets she made about a rude teacher in her school, while Henry causes a stink when he's secretly caught on cameraphone making a comment to a friend about how the cops would knock around some low-lifes in his day to get information, regarding how he would handle Jamie's situation. This puts Frank in a difficult position when the clip gets posted to the Internet and he and Henry end up fighting at the Sunday dinner.