Forgive and Forget

Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 2
Video Show
45 mins
Officer Cara Walsh, the woman who confessed to seeing her partner, Officer Randy Cudder, use an unauthorized chokehold that killed a man in custody, is back on the job and is being shunned by fellow officers. This includes Eddie, who calls Walsh a "rat" and becomes angered when Jamie offers to be Cara's temporary partner. When Jamie and Cara get in a shootout while responding to an armed robbery at a pharmacy, nearby officers ignore the call for backup. Eddie and her temporary partner eventually make it from the other side of the precinct service area, arriving in time to see Cara take a bullet. Danny attends the funeral for a girl who was shot by a gang member eight years ago in a case that was assigned to him. The shooter, Damon, was a juvenile at the time and served only a short sentence. When the autopsy shows the bullet was the ultimate cause of the girl's delayed death, her father Marcus (played by Eric Laneuville, who also directed this episode) urges Danny to reopen the case as a murder. Erin gets the go-ahead from her office, but upon meeting with Damon, she sees how he has turned his life around and is running a center for at-risk youths. Danny gets angry when his sister is reluctant to prosecute. Elsewhere, Frank gets news of a detective and old friend being involved in the accidental shooting of his own partner. Garrett says the partner's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit, but there is no breathalizer data for Frank's friend. Frank suspects a cover-up, after finding out his friend is four months from retirement with a full pension.