Saturday's Child

Abigail was a true 'Saturday's child'; she worked very hard for her living.
And it looked as if she could expect to go on earning her own living, for no one seemed to be in any great hurry to marry her -- least of all Dominic van Wijkelen, who admired her as a nurse but who seemed to have no personal feeling for her at all -- except dislike!
Mills & Boon
Saturday's child works hard for a living...
The old saying certainly applies to Nurse Abigail Trent. Pleasant but plain and sorely in need of money, Abigail is preparing to devote herself to her career when professor Dominic van Wijkelen strides into her life. But the professor apperantly hates all women, and Abigail in particular. What can she do but hide her heartbreak and continue to do the work he finds for her, which somehow, mysteriously, contrives to keep her near him in Holland.
And it looked as if she could expect to go on earning her own living, for no one seemed to be in any great hurry to marry her -- least of all Dominic van Wijkelen, who admired her as a nurse but who seemed to have no personal feeling for her at all -- except dislike!
Mills & Boon
Saturday's child works hard for a living...
The old saying certainly applies to Nurse Abigail Trent. Pleasant but plain and sorely in need of money, Abigail is preparing to devote herself to her career when professor Dominic van Wijkelen strides into her life. But the professor apperantly hates all women, and Abigail in particular. What can she do but hide her heartbreak and continue to do the work he finds for her, which somehow, mysteriously, contrives to keep her near him in Holland.