Mixed Feelings

The relationship was strictly platonic!
Kylie was thoroughly enjoying her job as chauffeur/companion to the gentlemanly Grant
Brandon--until she met his nephew.
Race Brandon frankly disapproved of his relative's "arrangement" with such a pretty young woman. And he told Kylie exactly what he thought of her morals.
Kylie's temper blazed. Race needed to be taught a lesson, so she decided to play along with him. But her little scheme had the most unplatonic repercussions!
Kylie was thoroughly enjoying her job as chauffeur/companion to the gentlemanly Grant
Brandon--until she met his nephew.
Race Brandon frankly disapproved of his relative's "arrangement" with such a pretty young woman. And he told Kylie exactly what he thought of her morals.
Kylie's temper blazed. Race needed to be taught a lesson, so she decided to play along with him. But her little scheme had the most unplatonic repercussions!