Executive Lady

No marriage, no merger!
The merger of Vivian Glass with Raoul de Martin's powerful French conglomerate was essential. Philippa knew she couldn't afford to offend him.
But she positively prickled every time Raoul came near her. Here was a man who despised easy flattery, yet seemed compelled to quash the resistance of anyone refusing homage to his potent magnetism.
Raoul was witty, sophisticated, charming--and profoundly cold! How else could he propose marriage in a bid calculated to restore declining investor confidence? And how could she refuse?
The merger of Vivian Glass with Raoul de Martin's powerful French conglomerate was essential. Philippa knew she couldn't afford to offend him.
But she positively prickled every time Raoul came near her. Here was a man who despised easy flattery, yet seemed compelled to quash the resistance of anyone refusing homage to his potent magnetism.
Raoul was witty, sophisticated, charming--and profoundly cold! How else could he propose marriage in a bid calculated to restore declining investor confidence? And how could she refuse?