Bustman's Holiday

The Real Ghostbusters Season 2 Episode 45
Video Show
22 mins
Ray's uncle Andrew dies in Scotland and names Ray as his heir to his castle. However, in order to claim it, Ray must get rid of a ghost that plagued his uncle for most of his life. Ray and the guys go to Scotland and, guided by the castles executor, Angus Lenny, manage to bust the ghost. However, when they do, they find out that it is a 'keystone' ghost. According to history, one man started a war between the Highlanders and the Lowlanders, called the Battle of Dunkell, and that one ghost pays for this tragedy. He is doomed to never rest, so that the others may sleep. Once the keystone ghost is captured, the souls of the Highlanders and Lowlanders wake up and start fighting once again. Their war, which will ultimately destroy the village of Dunkell, is put on Ray's shoulders, and he heads to the village to plan a countermove while the others try to stall the two clans. Ray is able to rig a group of garbage trucks into makeshift ghost traps, and traps both clans inside them. The group later finds out that Mr. Lenny actually worked for Uncle Andrews freeloading relatives who wanted to frame Ray for destroying the village so that they could get the castle and the treasure. Ray turns the castle over to the village, and makes the executor pay for all the damage that was caused.