
Voyagers Season 1 Episode 1
Video Show
48 mins
Time traveler Phineas Bogg accidentally goes to New York City in 1982 using a hand held time machine known as an Omni. There he meets 12 year old orphan Jeffrey Jones, whose parents died. but when Jeffrey falls out a window, Bogg goes after him and they both disappear. Bogg cannot bring Jeff back to 1982, because Bogg's Omni only has circuits up to 1970 (Bogg was only able to go to 1982, because his Omni malfunctioned). In saving Jeffrey's life, Bogg was unable to retrieve his Guidebook (a book that tells you how history should have happened) in 1982, so in 1450 BC, Jeff helps Bogg as a Voyager by putting baby Moses in the Nile river in Ancient Egypt, but in France, an alternate ending to World War I is taking place in 1918, without airplanes. They both go back in time to 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and there, Bogg angers Jeffrey when he says something about his father. Later, Jeffrey sadly tells Bogg about how his mom and dad died. He cries when he says he couldn't get anyone to stop. Bogg tells Jeffrey not to blame himself and covers Jeff up and Jeff falls asleep. then to Dayton, Ohio and inspire the Wright brothers to invent the first Wright Flyer and then jump ahead in time, making sure the Allies have airplanes in WWI (battling the Red Baron in an aerial dogfight along the way) and then they go to England, on October 14, 1066 in the middle of the Battle of Hastings.