
Charmed Season 8 Episode 5
Video Show
48 mins
Unaware that she is being watched, Billie jeopardizes the Charmed Ones' new lives when Agent Murphy of Homeland Security, who has suspected all along that she and the "cousins" are involved in supernatural activities and that the Halliwell sisters are not dead, spots her using her powers to save an innocent. Meanwhile, Phoebe's planned overnight trip with Dex starts with an unexpected assist from Billie and comes to a surprising conclusion when Billie casts a spell from the book of shadows intending to help and to make her happy, with unexpected consequences. Both Paige and Phoebe, having repeatedly questioned the manner the three are living conclude that the situation is untenable as they are constantly living a lie with those they would trust, and innocents are suffering as well. As that happens, Agent Murphy having already approached Billie, confronts Piper and makes plain that he feels the world needs their continued ministrations. Billie sets a trap for the Demons and vanquishes he imp-master while the power of the three vanquish its master from ambush. At the end of the episode, the three agree that the masquerade should be canceled and uncast the magic which had disguised them. Approaching Agent Murphy, the three cut a deal to have him cover for them explaining away the inconvenience of their faked deaths as being due to national security concerns which allows them to resume life as themselves.