Witch Wars

Charmed Season 6 Episode 21
Video Show
48 mins
Aware that Piper, Phoebe and Paige are on the verge of discovering that he is after Wyatt, Gideon conspires with two demons to make the girls part of Witch Wars, a new demonic reality television show where demon contestants compete in a series of contests to hunt down the Charmed Ones, with the winning demon acquiring the witches' powers. Gideon makes the girls believe that the gamemasters, Corr and Clea are the ones after Wyatt in order to protect himself and his own agenda. In the end they find out, but the two demons grow extremely powerful due to them absorbing the powers of vanquished demon contestants, but Phoebe comes up with a plan to vanquish them without the Power of Three as they don't want to risk Piper. Corr comes after Paige and Chris in the attic and attacks and is so powerful that nothing they do to him phases him, but meanwhile Leo and Phoebe orb to the studio and battle Clea. Leo vanquishes Clea with a power-sucking athame and Phoebe takes Clea's powers for herself. Using her new powers, Phoebe shimmers to the attic and vanquishes Corr with an energy ball. She then shimmers to a demonic bar where demons have been watching Witch Wars the entire episode and vanquishes many with energy balls to make a point while the rest flee before she returns home where Paige stabs her with the athame to remove the demonic powers. Later, the group celebrates the victory and believe the threat to Wyatt done. Meanwhile, Gideon's assistant has second thoughts about their plan and goes to tell the sisters the truth, but is murdered by Gideon to prevent it.