The Three Faces of Phoebe

Charmed Season 4 Episode 14
Video Show
48 mins
Phoebe gets premarital cold feet and casts a spell to find out if she should marry Cole, which conjures a young, innocent Phoebe from the past and an old, cynical Phoebe from the future to the manor to help her make up her mind. Meanwhile, after the defeat of the Source, Kurzon, an upper level demon and former rival to the Source tries to take over the Underworld in the power vacuum. Cole is unable to control the evil growing within him as the magic of The Source begins taking over his entire being and his human half is fighting violently to save himself and his love towards Phoebe. the Seer prepares for his rule of the underworld for she had foreseen this, and further, has no interest in helping him delay or defeat his "destiny". When Phoebe is trying to talk to her younger and older selves she remembers the charming prince she was dreaming of when a young girl and strongly believes that Cole is the one, while the older Phoebe is adamantly refusing to talk of their future in order not to affect it anyhow. Phoebe can't guess why her older self slapped Cole on seeing him and refuses to tell why. But when Cole is attacked by Kurzon and can't use his powers in front of the girls, the older Phoebe sacrifices herself to save his life saying that it was the answer she was looking for as she dies. The older Phoebe hides the future hoping that Phoebe will help Cole fight the evil and can save him before it's too late unlike her when she refused Cole's proposal before getting married as she had found out who he really was. Only Cole knows about it, but he never tells Phoebe about that conversation with her older self. His human half still lives in him, but the Source is getting stronger and more dependent on the Seer.