A Paige from the Past

Charmed Season 4 Episode 10
Video Show
48 mins
Haunted by her parents' deaths, Paige travels with Leo back in time to find out why she survived her parents when they perished. Meanwhile Piper and Darryl must prevent the marriage of Phoebe and Cole, whose bodies are inhabited by outlaw ghosts from the 1950s that escaped from a time portal, and somehow keep them out of jail as well with Darryl's help. Paige tries to let her parents know how much she loves them and promises she will never let them down again. Her parents confess that they feel like she is lost, but they don't know how to help her. Paige calms them down saying that they had given to her all she wanted. Paige believes that if they stay home that evening her parents will stay alive, but while they are driving home the accident happens after all as Leo had warned her she couldn't change the past. Paige orbs out of the car and finds herself lying on the pavement while her parents die in the flaming car. Meanwhile Cole and Phoebe rob a diamond ring and a wedding gown and head to the Chapel to get married at last since they never managed it in the 1950s before dying. Both of them feel how the real Cole and Phoebe would like to get married themselves, but Piper and Darryl stop the wedding right in time. When Cole intends to shoot Darryl shoots him causing the ghost leave Cole's deadly wounded body. Leo and Paige return from the past just in time to cure Cole. The ghosts are sent back to the time portal. When Piper and Phoebe ask Paige how she's feeling, Paige says she wishes that her parents could see what she has become. Leo then shows up with the ghosts of Paige's parents who tell her that they had been watching her all through her life and are proud of who she has become and most importantly that she kept her promise to her parents for once in her life.