All Halliwell's Eve

Charmed Season 3 Episode 4
Video Show
48 mins
A crisis occurs in the Halliwell's past as ancestor Melinda Warren, recognized founding head of the line of powerful witches ultimately producing Piper's son Wyatt Halliwell (see story arch encompassing Seasons four through eight), is threatened in the womb when Belthazor-Cole Turner time travels back to capture Warren at birth. His kidnapper ally, Ruth Cobb, is on screen as the episode heavy leading a band of witch hunters and capturing the Halliwell's less heralded ancestor the expecting witch Charlotte. Meanwhile, Cole lurks behind the main episode action and activity having stern discussions with and giving boss Cobb occasional directives as he observes her control as she's bossing 1640s village. A local coven leader, Eva has summoned the sisters, who being before the time they receive their powers, have no magic. This is humorously demonstrated when they cockily approach Cobb's house to rescue the pregnant Charlotte, and magical wards energized by Cole knock them on their buttocks. In the ensuing confusion the witch hunters shoot Eva, inflicting a flesh wound to her arm, which the Charmed Sisters' treat with modern methods, and prevent a crude cauterization. Admitting that the sisters must be powerful in the future and can gain their powers back very quickly if they try hard Eva starts teaching them the basics of witchcraft and makes a plan for the sisters to be able to save Charlotte and her baby. The mask party thrown in the village allows the Charmed ones to slip in. Phoebe is offered to be told the initial of the man she loves and the apple pile shows the letter "C" which Phoebe loudly interprets as "Cole" to Cole's astonishment who is standing nearby. That very moment she and her sisters are seized by the witch hunters and are hung in the forest. Some time later one of the hunters (Micah) returns and cuts their ropes revealing the ropes around their waists which saved the lives of the Charmed ones, thus saving them for the second time. It is also revealed that Prue and Micah are attracted to each other. When he is found out to have helped the sisters Micah is stabbed by Cole and dies while Prue cannot save him in order to be able to save Charlotte. They take her to the witches' altar in the forest to protect her and she delivers, with Piper helping her and Phoebe flying around on her broomstick to distract the hunters' attention. Surprisingly Cole does not go on with his mission to destroy the witches and returns to the present leaving the girls to celebrate the birth of their great-great-great...grandmother.