Astral Monkey

Charmed Season 2 Episode 20
Video Show
48 mins
Prue gets her face on t.v, because pictures taken by the paparazzi make people believe that she is dating a popular actor. Meanwhile the doctor that helped treat Piper when she had the fever that she almost died from, Dr. Williamson, has done research using the sister's blood, with three monkeys which he named after the sisters. The monkey's have the girls powers, and the "Prue monkey" uses it's telekinesis to inject Dr. Williamson with a needle containing each of the girls blood, which gives Dr. Williamson all of the girls powers. While Prue takes pictures of the actor, the "Prue monkey" astral projects in front of her, and then leaves. When telling her sister's about it, they piece together that the monkey is from the hospital. They go there, finding the monkeys and files about them, and steal the monkeys and the files. Meanwhile Williamson had become crazy and with his new powers he goes on a killing spree, killing ex-cons and taking their vital organs to give to his ill sister who needs a transplant. Leo explains to the sisters that their blood is inside him which is causing him to go crazy. Darryl tells Piper that they need to get rid of him, because he is killing people in horrible ways. After Prue's actor friend issues a statement that they are not dating, the paparazzi back off. The sisters attempt to give Williamson a antidote, but he destroys it and reveals that he is very powerful. When they find him again he try's to kill them, but his attack backfires and he stabbed, and killed. Piper is grief stricken but Leo helps her to move on. The monkeys are cured and taken to a animal shelter.