Savage Pagan

Rick Andreas
"Lisa faced the hardest decision of her life
She could watch the family firm go bankrupt, or marry powerful property developer Rick Andreas, who'd stipulated Lisa had to be part of the assets he was prepared to control if he took over the business.
Did he really expect her to submit to the demands of this modern-day human bondage?
And although he'd agreed to release her from their arrangement in five years' time, how could Lisa survive his violent passion for so long? Not to mention her own body's treacherous response to it...."
She could watch the family firm go bankrupt, or marry powerful property developer Rick Andreas, who'd stipulated Lisa had to be part of the assets he was prepared to control if he took over the business.
Did he really expect her to submit to the demands of this modern-day human bondage?
And although he'd agreed to release her from their arrangement in five years' time, how could Lisa survive his violent passion for so long? Not to mention her own body's treacherous response to it...."