The Land Of Mist

The Land of Mist or, The Quest of Edward Malone by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In this month's issue we begin a serial which will, we venture to say, attract world-wide interest. It deals with the borderland of human knowledge and experience which fades away into The Land of Mist. Whether one agrees or disagrees, it is an undoubted fact that psychic questions are before the world at present as they have never been before. It will also be admitted that our contributor, Sir Conan Doyle, can claim an almost unique experience in such matters, having studied them for thirty-six years, and being now elected Honorary President of the French Spiritual Association, which is the central body of the world. He has thrown some of these experiences into narrative form, painting with a full brush both the weakness and the strength of the movement. The false medium is drawn with a relentless accuracy. Many of the almost incredible scenes and incidents which he depicts have, he assures us, either occurred to himself or to those whose testimony cannot be doubted. The whole is executed with that vivid force and sense of drama which have given Sir Arthur his great hold over the public. We venture to think that whatever are the conclusions of the public they will be amazed at the adventures which are still to be encountered in this workaday world. In conclusion, we may say that our friends of The Lost World and The Poison Belt, Professor Challenger, Lord John Roxton, and Mr. Malone, are among the chief persons of the drama. On the last page: Readers will be interested to know that Sir A. Conan Doyle is now writing some NEW SHERLOCK HOLMES STORIES, which will appear in The Strand Magazine in due course.