Aphrodite's Passion

Aphrodite's Girdle was missing, and Hale knew the artifact would take all his superpowers to retrieve. The mortal who'd found and donned it--one Tracy Tannin, the descendent of a goddess of the silver screen hadn't exactly been as popular as her grandmother, not before the belt. Now everyone wanted her ... including some very nasty bad guys who weren't interested in her smile.
But the golden girdle could only be recovered through honest (or not entirely dishonest) means, which meant there was no chance for Hale to simply become invisible and whisk it away. (Although, watching Tracy, he found himself imagining other garments he'd like to remove.) No, there was little chance to evade interaction with the woman. Maybe he should convince her she was as desirable as he saw her (which was too desirable for a mortal ... ). Only then would she realize she was worth loving no matter what she was wearing or what she wasn't.