The Deed

ady Emmalene Eberhart was dying to DO IT. She even begged the King to make her husband do it to her--because she wanted to be a good wife. But then her husband died, and Emmalene was still as much a virgin as on the day she wed.
Suddenly, the innocent young beauty found herself the fulcrum of a struggle for feudal power. Along with her ample dowry, Emma found herself promised to Amaury de Aneford, a landless knight whose able sword had preserved the King's crown--and whose rugged good looks made her heart skip a beat. But on the wedding day, as a rival knight galloped toward the bridal chamber; Amaury would find that making love to his naive new bride would take consummate skill. For in the conjugal bed, Emma was astonished to learn there was more to a wedding night than just a sound sleep--and more to true love than she'd ever imagined.