Card Captor Sakura: Master of the Clow Book 4

Capturing Clow Cards was only the beginning...Once upon a magic night, an English sorcerer mixed Western wizardry with Eastern enchantments to create a magical deck of cards called the Clow Cards. These cards were hidden inside a dusty old book for decades, their powers virtually wasted. Then one fateful day, a young girl named Sakura Kinomoto discovered the book in her father's library. When she opened it, however, the Clow Cards were gone - and so was life as she knew it. The book's magical guardian, Cerberus, declared Sakura the Cardcaptor, and after many exciting adventures, she finally retrieved all of the cards. Now Sakura has earned the title Master of the Clow. After defeating Clow Reed's latest batch of magical tests, Sakura must tackle her greatest challenge yet. No, not another enchantment, but the feelings in her heart. Young Sakura has long fostered deep feelings for the older boy, Yukito, and even though it's unlikely that he feels the same way about her, she cannot continue to keep her feelings secret. But even as Sakura prepares to pour out her heart, Eriol, the mysterious transfer student with an unknown link to Clow Reed, plots another dangerous trap for the new Master of the Clow.