Wrestling with Demons

Charmed Season 3 Episode 12
Video Show
48 mins
Recovering from her depressed state over Cole, Phoebe crows "I'm back, bad guys beware!" to her sisters when they are supportively following up a premonition she has and attempting to intervene against a demon attacking people whose picture appear in the paper. Prue recognizes the demon as she and Darryl drive off the attack on the victim thereby discovering that her former college classmate is being led down the path to becoming a demon, and the sisters must risk their lives in an underworld wrestling ring to save his soul. The attacks are being engineered by a businessman[1] fronting for the Source of All Evil, its first appearance and mention in the series. The episode inaugurates the ability of the Charmed Ones to create a spell at need initially used by Phoebe trying to locate Cole, but shared with Piper when Leo loses their mother's wedding ring. The two then concoct a spell to divine the demons next victim which works enabling the three to intercept the old school mate before he can complete killing an innocent and completing his training at the Demon Training Academy which has been confirmed by the Book of Shadows. The two's finding spell overacts humorously with old toys, lost socks, and missing small objects of all kinds show up all over the Halliwell Manor. Undaunted, the three recast the spell into a tracking spell to locate the demon and the demon running the Demon Training Academy and bargain with the recruiter to wrestle a tag team match for her classmates' fate. Amidst the battle in the ring, Piper is attacked from behind and wounded grievously, necessitating a speedy end to the bout for Phoebe and Prue to save her. Reaching Leo he conveys the information that to defeat the recruiter demon that they will have to turn one of his recruits against him. The Charmed Ones lay a trap in the Manor and successfully save Prue's classmate when he is confronted with having to kill his own loving mother to consecrate his transformation to full demonic evil. Mid-crises, Phoebe informs Prue that she hadn't vanquished Cole, and the episode ends with the two quarreling over Phoebe's secretiveness and drawing distinctions between saving her classmate and trusting the human half of Cole-Balthazar.