They're Everywhere

Charmed Season 2 Episode 7
Video Show
48 mins
While Phoebe is volunteering at a hospital, she finds the son of a patient to be in deep trouble, with brain-zapping warlocks. The Charmed Ones must save the young man from the warlocks who are after the power he has collected from ancient tablets. Meanwhile, Piper and Prue cast a spell to hear hidden thoughts, in order to find out if Jack and Dan are warlocks. Prue and Piper give in to their fears that the men in their lives may be Warlocks and cast a mind-reading spell to find out the truth. Meanwhile, a group of brain-zapping Warlocks called The Collectors are after Eric Bragg, who has translated ancient tablets that detail the location of an ancient book of prophecies, known as the Akashic Records, that contains all historical events in the past and future. The collector demons are responsible for giving Erics father, Ben Bragg his affliction during which Phoebe doing volunteer work, meets both men. During the build up of conflict in the plot, eventually Eric destroys the actual stone tablets, storing the knowledge of the book's location to his own mind and becoming prey to the Collectors, who want the power of the Akashic Records. Using Eric's father as bait, the Collectors (One of whom is his physician, Dr. Stone) lure Eric to them in a park and then trap and zap an overly quick Phoebe when she tries to help Eric out. Following just behind and too late, but still able to use the magic induced by the mind-reading spell Prue and Piper use their ability to read each others' minds, as well as those of the warlocks to outmaneuver the warlock blink powers and with a timely double freeze and repositioning, trick the Warlocks into zapping each other's brains, which uncontrolled continues until they zap each other right out of existence. Luckily, Prue and Piper learn their recent love interests are not Warlocks, although Jack has been playing tricks on Prue with his twin brother, Jeff who is a mortician. Piper takes a romantic leap of faith and heads off for a weekend away with Dan Gordon.