There's Something About Leo

Charmed Season 7 Episode 9
Video Show
48 mins
Leo reveals to Piper that he is an Avatar, despite the warnings from Alpha and Beta that Piper should find out in her own time. A huge disaster ensues as Leo tells Piper just as she is adding touchy ingredients to a potion cauldron, which then blows up. Successive events rapidly spool out of control as if Leo's nightmare include both other sisters and Agent Kyle, and suddenly Leo inadvertently rewinds time the few moments that have elapsed, a foreshadowing of what is about to be the main episode. Alpha and Beta appear at that moment and freeze subjective time. In a frozen interval he is taken to task by Alpha and Beta and once again they attempt to dissuade him from revealing he's become an avatar to Piper. He stubbornly maintains Piper will be able to handle it, as she's been pestering him to stop hiding something so that he is adamant to reveal the truth to benefit their mending marital relationship. All three sisters have some trouble with the news leading to Phoebe and Paige calling on Kyle for help, but his reaction to the news causes disastrous results. Most of the episode is then erased as the Avatars take Leo to task but allow time to be rewound to before Leo tells Piper. The episode ends with an amazing display of foreknowledge displayed by Leo as he and Piper vanquish two gangs of demons in the episode appearing in the third version of the plot development.