Sins of the Father

Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 10
Video Show
45 mins
Donald DeCarlo is a man accused of murdering a police officer in 1976 (while Henry was on the job), but has been in hiding since then, attends the NYPD ceremony for his son's promotion to detective, along with Sgt. Gormley's promotion to Lieutenant. Henry and Frank watch Lt. Gormley interview DeCarlo. He had changed his name years ago and his son was unaware of his involvement. DeCarlo tells Gormley he was on the scene, but says someone behind him pulled the trigger. Henry is certain he saw DeCarlo with the gun. Erin is interviewed and his recollection of events is sketchy. Erin tells Frank she does not think Henry's testimony will stand up to cross-examination, so Frank reluctantly asks DeCarlo's son to try to get a confession out of his father. Danny and Maria investigate the death of a man they suspect was killed over debts to a loan shark. A woman turns up dead soon after and they are found to have worked for a local porn video operation; the investigation turns toward the parents of a young woman from Montana who committed suicide after being fired from the same production company. Elsewhere, Jamie and Eddie are on the scene of a young girl who was struck by a passing van. They see a mob gathering to attack the driver who had returned to the scene. The girl has only minor cuts and bruises, the driver's blood-alcohol level is found to be 0.12 (over the legal limit of 0.08), meaning he will be charged. The detective on the case gets a confession from the man. Eddie has interviewed a witness who says there were two people in the van and the person driving was not the person that returned to the scene. Eddie irks the detective, who wants to close the case, while she also gets angry with Jamie when he hints that she may not have conducted the witness interview properly.