The Seven Year Witch

Charmed Season 7 Episode 16
Video Show
48 mins
Already stressed out awaiting word on Leo's fate, Piper is attacked by demon assasians and ends up in a coma. Stuck in the cosmic void between life and death, Piper's spirit is surprised to find Cole's spirit waiting for her and even more surprised when he tells her that he is there to help keep her and Leo together, which he hopes will restore Phoebe's faith in love. Meanwhile, Leo is stripped of his powers and memory and put in the world somewhere as a test to see if he will remain an Elder or become human. The Elders cheat on the test and lead Leo to becoming an Elder again, but with Cole's help, Piper manages to reach out to Leo and he jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge and "falls from grace," becoming mortal again. Phoebe, Paige and Leo return home to find that Drake has had Wyatt use the healing powers he inherited from his father to heal Piper. Later, in Magic School, Drake says his goodbyes to Phoebe and heads off to die alone. There its revealed that Drake has been working with Cole the whole time and it was Cole's spirit who set him up with the Sorcerer to become mortal. Cole's spirit is also the one who sent the assassins after Piper, but it was all part of a plot by Cole to get Phoebe to not give up on love. He sent Drake to Phoebe to remind her and like Cole, Drake fell in love with Phoebe which both admit isn't hard to do. Drake dies and moves on, while Cole is content with his afterlife as a spirit that can never move on due to his horrible deeds as he prevented Phoebe from having that fate.