
Charmed Season 3 Episode 17
Video Show
48 mins
A familiar-turned-warlock tempts the Charmed Ones to kill him nine times so that he can obtain immortality. Piper and Leo plan on moving out of the Manor, leading to involved flashbacks of life in the Halliwell manor while the girls were still maturing, so that they fought constantly, Phoebe was always in trouble, and Grams' so seriously considering preventing The Power of Three from ever forming prior to her death, that she argued with her daughter Patty's ghost about it and had prepared a power-binding potion before her natural death. A feline familiar of a Wiccan smashes several bottles of liquid into a puddle and jumps into it turning himself into a warlock then attacks his former mistress with the words: "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?". The familiar-turned-warlock then makes a nuisance of himself to tempt the Charmed Ones to kill him nine times so that he can obtain immortality. Piper and Leo, finding their newlywed privacy ideals all too frequently compromised by Sisterly habits and lifestyles, and so plan on moving out of the Manor. Arguing over the proposed lifestyle change leads to a flashback of a time when one of the girl's planned on moving out (Prue planning a marriage) leading in a succession flashbacks interleaved with scenes "now" to an occasion when Grams' considering permanently binding their powers and preventing their "destiny" (The Power of Three from forming) prior to her death, these are at first interspersed with attacks on each of the three by the familiar-turned-warlock. After the fourth time they vanquish him (while each reporting their individual first times earlier) they get suspicious as it doesn't seem like he's trying leading them to wonder "what's his game?" The Book of Shadows (and-or Grams) strongly suggests them to hold a seance and they find out that the familiar-turned-warlock must die five more times by the next new moon (two days later) to live forever, explaining his motivation. The seance segues into a seance held by Grams to discuss girl-teen rearing problems with the shade of Patty Halliwell. Meantime, the childhood flashback scenes continue with other rearing scenes and "now deaths" at their hands as the warlock tricks them into killing him again and again by attacking innocents leaving him with just two more lives. Patty and Grams continue their spectral debate while Grams shows unmistakable symptoms of great pain and deterioration compatible with a number of cancers, and ends up falling and rolling down the stairway from the attic to her death. Then Phoebe departs for New York after the funeral and the now scene has the three plotting to cast a spell to visit nine deaths of dying pain on the warlock when they kill him the last time, which works and vanquishes him. Piper reconsiders leaving, but only after Leo nearly has the car packed with nearly everything they've boxed. Prue and Phoebe gift the newlyweds with the biggest bedroom and a private bath respectively in celebration.