Power of the Press

Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 8
Video Show
45 mins
As part of a deal made with the NYPD, a drug dealer named Javier Rojas, facing conviction for being an accessory to murder, testifies against drug kingpin Rolando Vega. Though Rojas has been promised witness protection, the feds find a technicality and says the deal is not legally binding, thus putting Rojas back on the street and in danger. Lt. Carver tells Danny and Maria that they have no choice but to obey the Feds' decision, but the two detectives secretly protect Rojas anyway. After avoiding a reporter who wants an exclusive on the Vega conviction, Danny realizes he can use the press to put pressure on the Feds. Elsewhere, Erin meets with Hannah, the daughter of one of her old schoolmates. Hannah says she was raped several weeks ago at a freshman orientation party by a star soccer player, but did not report it because the dean of students said the school could act on the incident quicker than the cops. The perpetrator walked free, and Erin cannot find any evidence to bring him to trial, but she does find a way to punish the dean and her office for deliberately ignoring evidence in a cover-up attempt. Frank deals with the case of an officer accused of knocking a suspect to the ground, causing a head injury. The officer was wearing a body camera as part of a pilot program, but the camera either malfunctioned or was shut off just prior to the incident. To exonerate the officer, Frank has to convince an unwilling mother in the neighborhood to share a cell phone video that captured what really happened.