Power Outage

Charmed Season 3 Episode 7
Video Show
48 mins
Belthazor, after being warned by The Triad to eliminate the Charmed Ones or face execution because they feel he has let opportunities slip past and learned of his love affair with Phoebe, the demon Soldier of Fortune Cole-Belthazor becomes desperate and strikes a deal with the demon, Andras. Andras, a demon of rage, amplifies small trivial annoyances into gut busting anger and so infects the sisters with uncontrollable rage; so much so that they use their powers on each other, causing the Power of Three to be severed. The Halliwell Book of Shadows even modifies the ancient triquerta symbol to one less intertwined and integrated. Cole becomes conflicted over his feelings for Phoebe and his duty to evil though, particularly after he and Phoebe spontaneously make love unable to help themselves. After the sisters' fight Phoebe leaved the Manor and turns to Cole for some comfort. Cole talks to her absentmindedly and while she's telling him how bad she feels about the fight and how much she loves her sisters, he sits next to her with an athame poked into his belt with which he intends to kill Phoebe. She looks at him with tears in her eyes and unable to help herself she kisses him unaware that he has the athame ready in his hand to stab her. Still, unable to fight his human feelings for Phoebe Cole can't kill her. Instead he sends her back to the Manor to talk to her sisters and fix their relationship adding that she should do it as quick as possible (secretly afraid that the Triad or Andras might appear to kill her instead of him). She thanks him and returns home where the sisters tell each other they didn't mean all the nasty things they told each other. The Power of Three is restored just in time to fight Andras who takes possession of Cole-Belthazor, forcing him to attack the Charmed Ones which he did not want to do any more for Phoebe's love. An energy ball deflected back at him by Prue drives Andras out of Belthazor and he vanquishes Andras with an energy ball. The sisters then battle Belthazor and cut off a huge piece of skin on stomach for a vanquishing potion. Belthazor turns into badly wounded Cole and shimmers away before the sisters can see him. Cole is called in front of the Triad who prepare to vanquish him, but driven only by his love for Phoebe now Cole vanquishes the Triad instead.