Once Upon a Time

Charmed Season 3 Episode 3
Video Show
48 mins
Prue and Phoebe (trying a new look as a dishwater blond) try to save a little girl (Kate), carrying around a fairy Princess (Thistile) in a small pad-locked box, from evil miniature trolls who lurk in the "tweens" and want to capture the princess, while Piper goes on strike for being a witch. Rescued along a street around midnight (When the whole world is a 'tween' place enabling the fairy world's denizens to cross the veil) by Phoebe who won't let go the claw injury suffered by the young girl, despite doubts aired by sisters two. Kate returns home with her parents and is threatened again in the night. Phoebe unearths independent childhood drawings depicting trolls and fairies proving the girls all knew the same fairy when they were children and hypothesize people grow to not believe in fairies anymore. Visiting Kate she introduces them to her fairy and Thistle casts a spell returning them to youthful innocence which allows them to see Thistle. In their own world the innocence becomes an overzealous playfully silly youthfulness (mentally aged circa five) which leads Piper to kick them out of the club and so they return home to witness unwittingly, an attempt by Cole (his demonic half Belthazor) on the Book of Shadows, and lose the padlock key they are safeguarding during a sneak attack by the trolls which pushes them down the ('tween' of the) attic stairway, which regresses their minds back to normal. Piper is attacked by trolls at the club and the three rendezvous to defend Kate and Thistle but Kate and Thistle are abducted by the speedy little trolls. Lead to nearby lair (where Kate had encountered the denizens of fairy), the three have a frantic battle with the pack of trolls and release both abductees, vanquishing the trolls by tricking them into running through their own bonfire. Piper makes an impassioned self-sacrificing monologue that changes the elders minds, and they send Leo back, but Cole makes another move to seduce and use Phoebe to get the Book of Shadows as the episode ends.