Ms. Hellfire

Charmed Season 2 Episode 9
Video Show
48 mins
On the morning of Friday the thirteenth, a mortal woman, Ms. Hellfire, invades the manor with a submachine gun and makes an assassination attempt on the three sisters' lives forcing Prue to repel the four slow motion depicted deflected bullets back to the leather clad hit woman, killing her in the manor. Consequently, the sisters are forced to finally reveal their secret lives and witch powers to their friend Detective Darryl Morris and begin investigating her background with him, as he figures he can only keep things under wraps for 24 hours. Prue breaks out with a new power of astral projection during a stressful work conference with a new boss, wanting to be two places at once so as to join Piper in the hall, and later and more dangerously does it accidentally again when meeting with gangster Bane Jessup. Jessup is acting as an intermediary hiring the hits for the evil demon Barbas, whom the Charmed Ones banished to Limbo in a prior encounter. Both times she inadvertently projects she immediately realizes what is happening and returns to her body in its trance in a brief momentary experience where she might have become exposed. Meanwhile, a bomb goes off in Darryls face while partnered with Phoebe to rescue the last woman on the hit list- Marcie Steadwell, leading Prue to leave Jack covering for her at work and go with Piper to check out the hit girls apartment where they find numerous wigs, a great wardrobe and paraphernalia to aid disguises. From flowers Impulsively trying on a long black leather trenchcoat, the two find they've been approached by gangsters and so on the spur of the moment Prue decides to go undercover as the mysterious hitwoman, they know is called as Ms. Hellfire to meet with gangster boss Bane Jessup. They soon find out that Barbas, the demon of fear, has taken control of Prue and is making her try to kill both sisters Phoebe and Piper before the hour of Midnight. The girls puzzle out that it's Barbas C, as Prue asks rhetorically "Thirteen dead Witches on Friday the Thirteenth, that ring any bells?" with no little sarcasm, having dealt with Barbas before and sending him to Limbo, where he can leave on the twenty-four hours of his incarceration anniversary. Meanwhile, Dan asks Piper to move into his digs more permanently than the frequent overnighters she's been enjoying. Piper and Phoebe left the witch practitioner Marcie Steadwell at Darryl's protection, to go and find Prue.They confront the enchanted-Prue and force her to astrally project so they can reveal a litany of sisterly venialisms and convince her they are not imposters. Restored to herself, Prue insists then on finding Barbas and dealing with him instead of waiting for midnight.