It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World (Part 2)

Charmed Season 6 Episode 23
Video Show
48 mins
Upon returning to their own world, Phoebe and Paige realize that their world is now too good, and every little infraction is a capital offense. The shift between universes causes Piper's memory to be erased, and Gideon tricks Piper into casting a spell on Phoebe and Paige so that they, too, forget Gideon's evil intentions. With the Charmed sisters under the spell, and Piper having a complicated delivery, only Leo and Chris are left to stop Gideon from completing his plan. When Chris is left alone with Wyatt in the attic, Gideon attacks just as Chris can take Wyatt out of the attic. The two throw each other around the room for a moment and Gideon summons an athame and disappears. Chris rushes to grab Wyatt, but Gideon reappears and he stabs Chris in the stomach. While Chris lays there wounded, Gideon takes Wyatt to the Underworld. Chris calls out to Leo. When Leo arrives, he carries Chris down to the bedroom and lays him on the bed. He tries to heal him, but Chris tells him that it won't work because it was Gideon's magic and only he can stop it. He tells Leo to find Gideon and save Wyatt. Leo tells Chris that he won't choose between the two of them and Chris tells him that finding Gideon saves them both. Leo orbs out. When he comes back later, he tells Chris to hold on and to not give up. Chris tells him to not give up either and he dies. Leo cries as Chris's body fades away. Leo is so mad that he flies into a rage and magically trashes the attic where he discovers the inter-dimensional mirror, meets with his analog self and realizes to return balance that a great evil needs done in the charmed one's universe