Free the Future

Trunks returns to the destroyed future to confront the two menacing androids. Once there he learns they are still destroying the unprotected towns and cities. Knowing he can defeat the ruthless pair after travelling through time and raising his power level significantly, Trunks sets off and arrives without a moment to spare. He quickly distracts Android 17, disabling him from destroying an old man who's son was another victim of the merciless machines. The androids appear confident, but Trunks quickly puts them in their place, and gains vengeance for his master Gohan by giving Android 18 a taste of her own medicine. Android 17 begins to realize his fate will soon reach the same outcome, and he too is destroyed. Trunks knows that despite the androids death, the threat is not over, there is another, Cell. Sure enough, Cell reveals himself and plans to take control of Trunks' time machine, but the young Super Saiyan is not about to stand by and let it happen. Trunks promises he will not let Goku down, and true to his word he annihilates every last cell of Cell. Meanwhile, up in the other world, Goku and King Kai prepare to take a trip to the Grand Kai's planet.Trunks returns to the destroyed future to confront the two menacing androids. Once there he learns they are still destroying the unprotected towns and cities. Knowing he can defeat the ruthless pair after travelling through time and raising his power level significantly, Trunks sets off and arrives without a moment to spare. He quickly distracts Android 17, disabling him from destroying an old man who's son was another victim of the merciless machines. The androids appear confident, but Trunks quickly puts them in their place, and gains vengeance for his master Gohan by giving Android 18 a taste of her own medicine. Android 17 begins to realize his fate will soon reach the same outcome, and he too is destroyed. Trunks knows that despite the androids death, the threat is not over, there is another, Cell. Sure enough, Cell reveals himself and plans to take control of Trunks' time machine, but the young Super Saiyan is not about to stand by and let it happen. Trunks promises he will not let Goku down, and true to his word he annihilates every last cell of Cell. Meanwhile, up in the other world, Goku and King Kai prepare to take a trip to the Grand Kai's planet.