Dress in Flames

Piccolo Jr Saga Episode 27
Video Show
22 mins
Everyone starts heading home after the tournament. Goku and Chichi head towards Chi-chi's new home. Upon arrival Goku eats many meals (which surprises all the maids and chefs). Goku is nervous about asking for Chi-chi's hand even though technically they have already been engaged. The Ox King, who has abandoned the helmet for a more "normal" look, shows Chi-chi a wedding dress which belonged to her mother and her grandmother. Preparations begin for the wedding. Suddenly, an earthquake begins and blasts of fire envelope the entire castle. It almost appears that their castle was built on a volcano. Everyone heads out except the Ox King, who stays to retrieve the wedding dress. Goku tries to put out the fire with Kamehameha, but does not succeed. The Ox King becomes trapped in the castle. Goku tries to use the flying nimbus to pull the Ox King from the castle, but the flames are too hot. The Ox King says that the Bansho fan is the only thing that will help the flames. Goku and Chi-chi go to Baba for help. Baba has a cold. Baba sees an octagon in the easterly direction. Goku takes Chi-chi and Baba in that direction. The Ox King is still in the castle trapped someplace away from the flames. The fan is in a little village. In the village, Goku finds a pig named Jasmine that looks like Oolong. Another pig comes out and they confirm that they are not Oolong, in fact, Oolong is a disgrace and they are insulted that Goku thinks he is Oolong. The village is called Octagon Village, where the Bansho Spa is located that can cure any sickness. Baba and Chi-chi go to the spa to cure Baba's cold. Goku leaves to get the fan out of a valley. Goku sees that there is no valley and speeds back toward the village. On the way, he runs into an octagonal lake which is the same lake the spa is located on. The pigs collapse the spa shack and Chi-chi kicks them away. The lake suddenly starts to drain away. Goku has pulled up the plug of the lake thinking it was the fan. A pillar in the lake describes how to make another Bansho fan. Baba says Roshi has diagrams just like the pillar at his house, so Goku and Chi-chi head to Roshi's for instructions they can understand.