Death Takes a Halliwell

Charmed Season 3 Episode 16
Video Show
48 mins
A pair of demons called Seekers who can bite through the base of the spine to drain information out of victims terrorize several innocents starting with a murder of Cole Turner's landlady in an attempt to find him, and the district attorney's inspector, Reese Davidson, seeking him is really verbally rough on Phoebe whom he believes knows Cole's location. The angel of death makes a couple of indistinct momentary visits but only Prue can see him when he twice shows up a near a woman and Prue. To complicate matters the woman is turns out to be a trainee of Inspector Davidson (posing as a photographer) and trailing the Charmed Ones as part of working Cole's case. Cole teaches Phoebe to use the back of her hand looking for premonitions using touch instead of leaving fingerprints behind when they investigate his landladies crime scene, and Phoebe gets a premonition of Prue and the two Seeker demons as they murder the photographer. The angel of death makes his first distinct appearance in the series' plots to claim the soul of Reese's henchwoman after Prue has burst through the door has driven off the Seekers and in a short conversation says he'll be back. Phoebe has a premonition showing the inspector victimized by the seekers next and Cole intercepts him in his the hallway of his courthouse (workplace), but must shimmer out with the inspector as the Seekers appear. Following him to his hide, Cole fights to save the detective, and Prue orbs in to help as the three sisters realize that his hide is the likely scene of Phoebe's latest vision. The angel of death appears anticipating the demon's success at Davidson, but while Prue martially karate's the air where he stands, in fact Cole's defeating the two Seekers causing them to flee saves the detective. Unwilling to believe the bizarre, the detective pulls a gun and escapes the Charmed One's protection causing Phoebe to admonish Cole that they don't kidnap officers of the Law and hold them against their wills to protect them, but they do follow them and protect them against their will. Prue encounters the Angel again, and he admonishes her that she needs to see the bigger picture, that "I'm not good or evil, I just am. I'm inevitable." and then takes her to where Davidson is being killed by the Seekers, still trying to get a lead to find Belthazor. They learn of the manor from him and attack Cole there while the Charmed One's commute back in haste, anticipating the attack. Cole is saved by their timely entry and The Angel visits Prue again and reveals if she hadn't stopped fighting him, he would soon have been coming for her, and that being angry at death and fighting him and his inevitability necessarily weakens her and her fight against the real evils. The story relays heavily on the Ingmar Bergman movie The Seventh Seal in the presentation of Death. His bearing, manners and even expression is similar to Bergman's version. Meeting death on a beach is also a clear reference.