Cold Cash and Hot Water

The Real Ghostbusters Season 2 Episode 19
Video Show
22 mins
Peter's father, Charles, is working in Alaska, and unearths an Inuit statue that holds a powerful demon called Hob Anagarak, who the Eskimos called 'The First Demon'. Egon states that 'The Hob' is one of the rarest of legends, and the guys go to Alaska in order to investigate. Enroute, Egon reveals that Hob Anagarak was created by the gods, and set to rule over the Earth when it was newly created. But when the humans came, Hob attacked them. They defeated Hob and sealed the fire demon away in a block of magic black ice. This eventually lead to the Ice Age. When the guys get to the village where the block is, they find out that Peter's father wants them to release the demon and trap it, so that he can put it on exhibit. Peter naturally refuses to let this happen. Later that night, when the guys are psychically attacked by Hob Anagarak, who levitates and throws silverware and a mooses head at them, Peter's dad switches the block for a fake. The next morning, the guys use their proton packs to destroy the black ice, which they find pretty easy. Thinking they have destroyed The Hob, the Ghostbusters return to New York. However, a few days later, the guys find out that Peter's father conned them and is planning to unveil The Hob at Madison Square Garden. Charles and Dr. Bassingame, the phony spiritualist responsible for destroying Ray's aunt's home, free Hob from the ice, and in true King Kong-fashion the demon breaks free of his confinement and goes on a rampage. Peter, upset at his father for tricking him, leads the Ghostbusters to try and stop Hob, but their weapons prove useless against the mighty Fire Demon. Egon eventually finds out two important things: 1-Hob is looking to enslave an army of ghosts to lay waste to the world, meaning he is coming for the Ecto-Containment Unit in the Firehall, and 2-he finds a tricky binding ritual that requires all of them, Janine, Peter's father and Dr. Bassingame, to stop Hob. The ritual proves effective, and Hob is once again sealed in his block of ice. Peter's father is sent back to Iowa, after Peter pays his fines, only to sneak off the bus and get on another one, headed for Hollywood to sell the movie rights.