
Charmed Season 7 Episode 13
Video Show
48 mins
While the Charmed Ones enjoy their new conflict-free world, Leo learns that in order for the Avatars to protect their Utopian world, they also control everyone's destiny by deciding who lives and dies. Wanting to stop the Avatars, Leo joins forces with Zankou to undo the change. Paige receives a special surprise and Leo's fate relies on the Elders. Also in this episode, Phoebe makes a reference to a notable L.A. restaurant by saying to the demon Zankou, "What's the matter Zankou, chicken?" In the end, Leo's death shocks the sisters back to reality and they team up with Zankou to stop the Avatars. Using information that Zankou found in an ancient tomb, they make the Avatar killing potion and confront the Avatars with it. The Avatars, realizing that humanity is not ready for them yet, use the last of their power to rewind time to when Utopia started. Doing so breaks the Utopia spell and returns all those killed by the Avatars, including Leo who is stripped of his Avatar powers, but still remains an Elder. The Avatars are too weak to rewind time far enough to save Kyle and Paige goes to his apartment where she is shocked to find him apparently alive. The Elders have made him a Whitelighter for his actions against the Avatars and he says a final goodbye to Paige before orbing out.