
Piccolo Jr Saga Episode 11
Video Show
22 mins
Three years have passed and all of the warriors reunite for the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament. Everyone that Master Roshi is waiting for is late. The boys, the Kame House group, and Goku all seem to be late. Oolong, Puar and Bulma arrive first. Bulma's look has changed again. When Goku comes he is not recognised by anybody, as he has his hair wrapped in a turban, but when he shows his unique hair, everybody finally recognizes him for sure. Goku has grown up quite considerably. When there is just one minute left for the end of registration, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha and Chiatzou appear. Yamcha has unexplained scars. Krillin reveals the fact that he is tall, but only for a moment, because Goku walks up to him and is at least two heads taller. The two best friends embrace and Krillin finally gets to thank Goku for bringing him back to life. While talking with Master Roshi, Tien asks him whether he was going to be Jackie Chun again. But Master Roshi says he won't be participating this year. Bulma shows renewed interest in Yamcha. Outside, lightning strikes the town clock tower. Piccolo mysteriously saves a mother and her child from the falling debris. At the preliminaries begin, Goku explains that he got rid of his tail so Kami could restore the moon. Also, Goku notices that Piccolo has showed up, and his arrival is much to the distress of Tien.