Bride and Gloom

Charmed Season 3 Episode 13
Video Show
48 mins
Cole returns to San Francisco while still hiding from Demon hitmen and appears to Phoebe on screen at the end of a the movie from second season's episode "Chick Flick," causing Phoebe to walk out rudely on Prue the next morning when she wants to talk about Cole, while going off to meet with him. In the next room Piper and Leo quarrel over wedding arrangements because she wants to involve a wedding planner in an affair which has a groom that according to the United States government is officially dead, will be attended by various family ghosts and officiated by Grams as high priestess. More deadly serious, an evil priestess wanting to turn the Book of Shadows evil so she can have it for herself teams up with a shape-shifting warlock who has a different, potentially incompatible agenda of his own. He is aiming to take Prue's hand in marriage with side plots to turn not only the Charmed Ones but also the Book of Shadows all to the side of evil, since their powers are linked and interrelated, as a bonus, he gets to achieve his carnal fantasies. Using a lipstick taken by subterfuge by the shapeshifter warlock impersonating Piper, the priestess is able to compel Prue to marry the warlock overcoming some protective Halliwell family magic. During their scheme, Prue is trapped in another dimension with the plotters when she fails to answer her cell phone when the other two twig to the likely ringer, but is taken in by the priestess's previously prepared magic and the process of subverting the Halliwell's magic to evil begins. The priestess celebrates with her warlock partner by killing him so she won't have to share the Book of the Halliwells' magic. Meanwhile Cole is told off by Phoebe who claims their relationship is over no matter what. After Prue disappears and scrying, Leo and the Elders all fail to turn up Prue's location, Phoebe contacts Cole again and asks him for help, which may get him killed. When she returns home, the Book of Shadows has been seen by Piper and Leo to be changing, showing evil spells and with her return, Piper and Phoebe both develop the Warlocks' power of Blinking (translocation) from place to place and transfiguration (changing people, animals or objects into other forms including one of the others). Piper and Phoebe embrace their developing evilness and transfigure Leo into a Stick in the Mud, and victimize their wedding planners as well, before Piper fires them. When they relent and restore the three, Leo is recalled by the Elders because by giving in to evil they no longer deserve a whitelighter, while Cole sleuths out through demon contacts the high-priestess is behind the changes and that she will be coming soon for the Book of Halliwells' magic, and the two set a trap. In the event they trap and torture the priestess who is inadvertently saved by Leo's return, so they freeze him and shatter him into dust bunnies. Seeking to keep the Evil Power of Three the two work out that they can blink anywhere they want or to anyone (as the whitelighter do to their charges) and they blink to Prue who is being turned into an evil servant of the priestess who has also resurrected the warlock as a servant/henchman and are forced to fight her. By freezing and smashing the warlock, they break the linked spell on Prue, reconstitute the good Power of Three and vanquish the priestess. The Book of Shadows resumes being a force of good and the evil they had done was reversed returning Leo to life. Phoebe says another tearful goodbye to Cole in the cemetery, but he doesn't believe they won't be seeing one another.