Bite Me

Charmed Season 4 Episode 18
Video Show
48 mins
Cole is consolidating his hold on the San Francisco demonic underworld while keeping his magic secret from the sisters. He is holding meetings at their new high rise penthouse and has dictated a no-orbing-in policy there, which goes over badly with Paige, who is already suspicious of him. He awkwardly claimed they were painting his offices when almost caught out as Phoebe comes home unexpectedly, having Julie present and a gaggle of demons having to shimmer out just in time for him to magically set a romantic candlelit table. The next morning, with Phoebe ill, Paige orbs in about confer before work about Phoebe's indisposition, which the sisters believe is related to wounds from a Harpy attack, but Cole is dismissing an emissary from the vampire queen who lurks outside in the Penthouse hall eavesdropping with special hearing. The Vampire's want to rejoin the rest of demonkind, but Cole as the new Source rebuffs them. With the hopes of unseating Cole as ruler of the Underworld, a Vampire Queen orders her fanged charges to attack Paige and turn her into a vampire in order to get a Charmed One on their side. Paige's undead transformation isn't sealed until she takes her first victim, so the Vampire Queen urges her to feed on Piper and Phoebe. Ultimately Cole saves the day: after learning the Vampires whereabouts he flames to their lair and vanquishes the Queen with a fireball. This turns Paige back to normal and vanquishes the other Vampires. Cole considers killing Paige, but ultimately doesn't and leaves before anyone sees him. Piper tries to deal with being unable to get pregnant, while Phoebe learns that she is pregnant. Also, Piper finally becomes more receptive to Paige's suspicions about Cole.