The Art of War

Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 22
Video Show
45 mins
It is revealed that Hector was shot by Curtis. The officer who was supposed to be guarding Hector's room has not returned from his break. Curtis gets away as Linda and a team of doctors and nurses try to save Hector's life but they are unsuccessful. The staff then notices that an exhausted Linda has blood covering her right side, having also been hit by a bullet. Linda falls to the floor, and Danny arrives in time to see her being wheeled off to surgery. As this is now personal, Danny rails on Frank and Erin for letting Hunt go. Frank pulls Danny aside and shares a story with him about Chief Kent. He says Kent was successful in cleaning up gang activity not just because he made arrests, but because he also obtained solid evidence to assure convictions. He implores Danny that there is a way to convict Hunt using proper methods. Danny interviews Curtis, and finds the gang threatened to harm Curtis' mother, Faith, before the shooting. Curtis won't testify against Hunt, for fear of Faith being harmed. Frank visits Faith in the hospital chapel, and convinces her to do the right thing. As Curtis is interviewed again, Faith is brought in, beaten and scarred. Angered, Curtis finally gives up Hunt, but now the team must find him. (Danny then reveals that Faith's wounds were just makeup.) Frank looks through Kent's belongings, and finds the Indian book Arthasasthra, which has the theme "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Danny and Maria arrest numerous members of a rival gang for curfew breaking, and accuse their leader Victor Perez of putting the hit on Kent. Perez of course denies the charges, and eventually gives up a person who would know where Mario Hunt is hiding, Hunt's girl, Regina. Using intelligence received from wiretapping Regina's phone (legally), the detectives coax Hunt out of hiding and make an arrest. Frank then visits Warrior King's Leader Clinton Wallace at Rikers, and arrests him for conspiracy to murder the Kents and Hector, as well as the attempted murder of Linda. Wallace laughs at the charges as he's already serving life, but Frank then drops a bomb...Chief Kent took an oath with the Federal Marshals, meaning Wallace conspired to kill a Federal agent. And while New York does not have a death penalty, the Feds do. Later, the Reagans meet for their Sunday dinner, with Danny and Linda absent as she is still recovering in the hospital. The couple is then brought to the table via speakerphone, and the whole family says grace together.