All Hell Breaks Loose

Charmed Season 3 Episode 22
Video Show
48 mins
Piper and Prue get caught in public on camera trying to vanquish Shax. Millions of people gather outside their house to try and find out more about them. Meanwhile, Phoebe, Cole and Leo are in the Underworld trying to fix the mess by asking The Source to ask the Demon who can turn back time to risk exposure. A "witch" breaks into the manor because she also knows that Prue and Piper are witches. They know she is a bit mental so they throw her out. One minute Prue and Piper are talking and the next minte, Piper is lying on the floor with a bullet in her stomach. The witch practitioner shot Piper. Prue puts Piper in the car but can't get out because the reporters and people are in the way. In the end, she uses her power of telekineses to move them. Meanwhile Phoebe is having to make deals with demons ... not a good thing to do. Piper dies in the hospital and Prue kicks everyone out of the emergency room. SWAT aims a bullet at Prue's head but time is turned back to when Shax first attacks in the manor. Phoebe thinks she has saved exposure and Piper, but she had lost Prue. Shax sends Piper and Prue through the wall. Then Shax disappears and the show ends. [Piper wasn't so badly hurt. It took Leo longer to get there and heal them because he was in the Underworld, he heals Piper but was too late for Prue. Piper blames her death on Leo.]