Virgin Planet

Three centuries ago, a ship carrying women to a colony world was marooned on an uncharted planet. Reproducing by parthenogenesis, which produces only female offspring, the survivors told their descendentts that someday others would come to the world they named Atlantis, including men. As centuries passed, the lengendary creatures called men have taken on a godlike aspect. And when a lone space explorer discovers Atlantis, the women know he can't possibly be a man, he's just a monster who looks like a deformed woman. But he has advanced knowledge that the nations of Atlantis want, and are willing to go to war with each other to obtain...
Plus a special bonus:
Star Ways: They called themselves the Nomads and had evolved for themselves a way of life similar to that of the gypsies of ancient Earth, except that their gypsy wagons were mighty starships, each a self-contained world that housed a clan of many thousands. But now, one by one, the nomad starships were disappearing without a trace. And it fell to Joachim, Captain of the Starship Peregrine, to find out why...
Plus a special bonus:
Star Ways: They called themselves the Nomads and had evolved for themselves a way of life similar to that of the gypsies of ancient Earth, except that their gypsy wagons were mighty starships, each a self-contained world that housed a clan of many thousands. But now, one by one, the nomad starships were disappearing without a trace. And it fell to Joachim, Captain of the Starship Peregrine, to find out why...