Unmasking Kelsey

When Kelsey answered a mysterious call for help from a small southern town, he was prepared to charm or seduce Elizabeth Conner into telling him what he needed to know. But once his primitive male instinct sensed the wild spirit hidden beneath her delicate facade, he knew he would -- he must -- possess her! With unaccustomed savagery he swept her into a wild, hot, frantic embrace, revealing himself as he had with no other woman. Elizabeth feared letting any man know her soul, but daring to respond to Kelsey's explosive demands was a danger she just had to taste. Her quicksilver knight vowed to protect her, but as she could never catch the wind or chain the lightning, she knew her elusive lover was like a force of nature -- and not to be controlled. Though Kelsey promised that forever was too short a time for what they shared to last, Elizabeth saw the real test: until she knew how it felt to slay a dragon, she'd never be sure of his love....