The Resistance

Animorphs 47
We can't tell you how we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us...well, we just won't let them find us.
The thing you should know is that everyone is in really big trouble. Yeah. Even you.
The Animorphs and Ax have to make the most important decision they've ever had to make: Do they continue to fight the Yeerks in secret, or is it time to let everyone know there's a resistance? That the Animorphs exist. And that Earth does stand a small chance against the invasion.
Jake knows that either choice is a major one. Not one that some kid should be responsible for. But he's getting tired of the pressure. So, even though he realizes the other Animorphs need him to be strong, he doesn't feel that way. In fact, he feels just the opposite. And Jake knows if he starts to lose it the Animorphs are done...
The thing you should know is that everyone is in really big trouble. Yeah. Even you.
The Animorphs and Ax have to make the most important decision they've ever had to make: Do they continue to fight the Yeerks in secret, or is it time to let everyone know there's a resistance? That the Animorphs exist. And that Earth does stand a small chance against the invasion.
Jake knows that either choice is a major one. Not one that some kid should be responsible for. But he's getting tired of the pressure. So, even though he realizes the other Animorphs need him to be strong, he doesn't feel that way. In fact, he feels just the opposite. And Jake knows if he starts to lose it the Animorphs are done...