Really Unusual Bad Boys

THEY'RE JUST THE SEXY BOYS NEXT DOOR. IF NEXT DOOR IS A WEIRD, WEIRD PLACE. Meet Damon, Maltese, and Shakar--three noble brothers from an enchanted kingdom where wooing and pleasuring is practically a royal commandment. They're hot. Irresistible. And just a little different. But what woman doesn't like a guy with a few surprises?
One minute, Detective Lois Commoner is popping pain pills for her bum knee in her apartment; the next, she's in a strange land with a magically delicious naked man named Prince Damon calling her beautiful and offering to show her his brand of toe-curling hospitality. Okay then. Questions? Well, maybe one or two. Like, whose idea was the no-clothes rule? How does he do that thing--yes, that thing? How does a girl end up here? And how can she ever possibly go?
Lt. Anne Sanger joined the W.A.C.s so she could see the world and meet someone, but perhaps she should have been more specific. See the world meant Europe. Meet someone meant a nice soldier from a farm in Boise, not a feral, well-built, rakish man in a bathtub claiming he has wished her to be his mate. She has to be dreaming. And if she's just dreaming, it's perfectly okay to let Prince Maltese kiss her there...and there...and, oh, there. Now, as long as no one wakes her up, everything should be just fine...
Rica Callanbra is used to odd things happening, but not usually sweet-godlike-hunky-men-falling-from-the-sky kinds of things. Still, a girl takes what she can get, and if Prince Shakar is it, holy moley, is she in for heaven. The guy loves everything about her world--swimming holes, arm wrestling, skinny dipping...wet, long kisses and smooth caresses and, um, yeah, everything. Too bad he has to go back home and be fought over by swooning, clawing females who all want to be his mate. Then again, if you can't beat 'em...join 'em... From the wildly talented MaryJanice Davidson comes a trio of outrageously passionate stories that take bliss to new, unusual heights...